Paris vacation rentals apartments Paris

EUGENE ATGET (1856 - 1927)

Do you know Eugene Atget?

This incredible man photographed Paris for thirty years. With a singleness of purpose rarely excelled, he made his incredible monument to a city. When he died in 1927 he left approximately 2000 eight by ten inches glass plates and almost 10,000 prints, not counting the plates deposited in the Palais Royale archives. Here is one of the most extraordinary achievements of photography. Yet we know almost nothing of Atget as a person and less of Atget as a photographer.

During many years, this simple and discret man has been walking in Paris with his camera and have taken hundred of photographies about all the little details of the city : doors, streets, shops, horses, etc...

To share with you my passion for Atget and Paris, I have concepted a special trip throught the time called here "the Atget Experience" : A way to compare the same places yesterday and today. Yesterday with the old camera of Atget, today with my digital camera.

This amazing trip reveals that the heart of Paris is always the same, but, behind the little details of the time, we can make the city talking, and whispering us all the little stories of the stones, the walls, the doors, and all these anonymous actors who lives, loved and died here.

Enjoy now the Atget Experience!

Thierry, owner of Parisbestlodge Paris vacation rentals